Pedigree Link frinds Comments book Home Contact About Me Our Cats Sabah Nout Kittens VideosFpharaon Seth de l'arbre perché son of Djoser de l'arbre perché (black female) and Becksethis (male Silver) in Ramesseum born on March 25, 2010, is a baby black panther and he has all its attributes: corpulence (little fort and muscular), a beautiful green eyes and a ferocious appetite! . It has a beautiful fur black, many spots that can be seen under the sun, and the mark of the beetle in the middle of the forehead, these are all characteristics of a perfect Egyptian Mau. Their fur is very rare today among their species, despite being essential to revive and bring out the contrast of other colors available on that race (silver, bronze and smoke). The black Mau has been recognized by the LOOF (official book of origins cats) in France from January 2006. But for the moment is only registered as NRC (new race, new color) so it can not participate in the competition for a title or be chosen in a Best.